Welcome to Church of the Holy Trinity

We are happy to be worshiping together and in-person again.

There is a 9:00 aM Sunday Service at Holy Trinity.

If you would like to receive these services by email, please sign up for our weekly newsletter and we will be happy to send them to you.

A Message From Our Vicar

Dear Friends,

These are uncertain times. Living here at the edge of the sea, we are not unacquainted with weather related anxieties and disasters. But such crises usually come quickly and then dissipate, leaving behind some measure of destruction and often rapid recovery. As we read in last Sunday’s gospel lesson, “The wind blows where it chooses”. 

Our current crisis is different. Right now, it seems like we are in the midst of a very slow-moving hurricane, but a hurricane nonetheless. And facing the Corona virus crisis requires the same level of caution and preparedness we would implement in anticipation of a storm. Calm, deliberate action is called for – along with a steadfast faith that God, as promised, will be with us throughout this perilous journey. And following the divine example, we must be as one in Christ, and continue to express our love and care for one another, in whatever ways are called for as circumstances evolve. 

These are very troubling times. And we will strive to find ways to stay together as a community and care for each other. Please pray for our church and the wider community as we face this crisis. Together we will weather this storm. 

Grace and peace,



At Holy Trinity we strive to be a church that is open, inclusive, and welcoming of all God’s children. Although we were founded in the days in which Greenport made it's living from the sea we are still an emerging Christian community, not yet fully formed in personality or identity. We are in the midst of creation, but still relying on the wisdom of the saints preceding us.

As an Episcopal community, our worship is grounded in the meaning, beauty and artfulness of the ritual of the early church. Yet theologically, we are constantly seeking to understand how Christ’s life and teachings are relevant to us in the 21st century.

We welcome you, no matter who you are, into this work of creating a new kind of church – a church that is both ancient and fully engaged in the present.

Give Fr. Roger Joslin a call at 631-655-1247. Roger would be happy to talk with you about your spiritual journey and how Holy Trinity can be a part of your quest.  



Find out about our history, our mission, our Christian practice and where we are headed in the future.